Thursday, June 14, 2012

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,

Talking about Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, this is actually a great novel (if ada yang taktau la). Kenapa tiba-tiba saya bercakap pasal this book. Dipendekkan cerita, semenjak terikat dengan "tali pertunangan" ni, memang dugaan kuat lah. (bagi saya, tapi mungkin bukan bagi korang kut. Mintak simpang la kan..) Dugaan bukan berbentuk godaan perempuan or lelaki lain ke.. No.. Dugaan dari segi perangai masing-masing kut. And it's all happen when we were in the midst of this commitment.

I try to figure out, what's wrong. Am I doing wrong. Isnt he doing anything wrong which doesnt suits my eyes to watch, my ears to hear, my hands to touch? Actually, he's a nice guy. Only certain time when we are about to have an arguments.. It turns out to be.. I guess.. for me real bad..

He's nice actually. I dont know how to say and how to describe what that nice means. But my friends, Zura, when I brought him to Zura's house untuk lawat ayah dia baru meninggal, he gave Zura some advices until one point.. 2 days after zura whatsapp me saying. "jaga wan baik2x.. dia baik.. kata-kata dia menyenangkan orang lain. sampai skng zura ingat pesan dia". So I was like.. hmmm.. I have to figure out what's love actually means..

Pada 1 hari, ada someone suggest to me to read a book called "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus". They said that this book helps a lot of people with their relationship.. (btw, do not misunderstood. We are not in the midst of mistrust or ape2x.. Kami okay. Kami live happily together pn right now..) I just figure out that I need to understand mans more.. and I need to learn to be good as a girl, as a women.. and InsyaAllah.. as a wife someday..

So saya pergi merata-rata kedai cari this kind of book. Tak jumpa! I dont know whether this book ni dah obsolete ke tak kan.. sebab mana2x pergi mesti dah takde. So I use another method by surfing this book online. and I have found it. I print it and combined together to make this book looks nicer to read.

Baru masuk chapter 2. Dah rasa macam... "oh, I'm having this kind of situation". "eh, sama mcm aku dengan dia", "macam faham2 je author ni dengan perasaan aku sekarang". Memang interesting. So I just decided to make a summarize of every chapter in my blog. In Malay Version. Senang untuk difahami dan diserap dalam mind kita. Eh. Panjang pulak. Wait for the review okay!



  1. Gieya, i have this book jugak.
    Tp versi download from internet la. Hehe
    Memang best kan.

  2. heheehe. sy pn sm! ni dh print n compile sbb mls bkak laptop. haip! :P

  3. uiks! Orang ada buku tu, tp version buku la..beli kat kedai buku kat Jalan TAR..tapi tak habis baca lagi :D panjang sangat n memang complicated..baru separuh jalan :P anyway, lelaki n perempuan memang diciptakan berbeza dari segala segi sejak azalinya..Macam minyak dgn air! Tp kalau guna formula yang betul minyak dan air boleh bekerjasama utk hasilkan masakan yng sedap! Nyum2.. :P

  4. ehee..Buku tu buat orang yang kena lagi berusaha..Selagi berusaha insyallah akan ada hasil kot. We all now makin better than before. Masa memula dulu pun banyak konflik sebab berbeza personaliti, background, cara fikir dan perangai. Tapi sebabkan masing2 fikir komitmen, tanggungjawab dan respect pasangan tu la kot kunci bertahan sampai hari ni. Alhamdulillah, makin hari makin baik, sampai la Allah permudahkan jalan tu..Harap usaha tu tak akan berkurang, even lepas kawen nanti dan sampai bila2...Insyallah

  5. amin2... dugaan tu biasa la kan.. asam garam hidup. bila jue n am pg kursus kahwin together lg rasa bahang kahwin tu.. sbb g b4 ni penah pg kursus kt u.. tp lain lah bl pg bersama pasangan. buat masing2 lg fhm n beringat.. :)

  6. nak jugak.. boleh bagi link untuk download? thanks dear.

  7. heheeh.. cbe try


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