Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Gie Femes :p

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,

It's more to no comment la pasal ni.
Pagi2x lagi dah dapat whatsapp from my bestfriend saying that
"Gie glemer! Baca group ncol"

Macam pelik jgak.. pasal ape ek
Dapat la notification facebook kat Note ni tp malas nak bukak
Bila kawan saya cakap macam tu, terus bukak facebook

Ada one of my b2b post this:

Group ni dirahsiakan. Sebab malas nak heboh2x.. Yes, dia sokong statement saya. Tapi saya taktau mana dia dapat ni. Takkan la saya post dekat vendor tu dia terus post kat group dia. Tengok jugak popular ke group ni kat facebook. 203 ribu followers okay!

Ok. I'm quite outspoken. Business is not easy at all. If you think that you are good enough and have a big authority to do whatever you like to your customer, I bet, business takkan bertahan lama. For whoever it is. I am not pointing to any particular person, even me myself pon mungkin terkena. My fiancee once said, because he also doing business, customer's always right.

Takpelah. Pengajaran untuk saya. Sebab bodoh percaya contest2x ni semua. Sekian.



  1. saya memang tak join contest dah sekarang ni. sebab takut kes macam ni

  2. takpayah la join, ramai sangt dah kena tipu


Thank you for reading. My pleasure to read the comments from you! ;)