Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A silly scene, yesterday.

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,

Benda yang paling lawak sekali semalam.. Should I say or shouldn't I????

When my fiancee asked me " Sayang, boleh tak kalau saya nak tanya something. Nanti bila awak pantang kan, awak nak duduk kat mana, kampung awak ke kampung saya?"

Ok. It makes me laugh sebab tak terfikir dia akan tanya soalan macam tu. And I answered. " Kita tak kahwin pon lagi, Mengandung pon belum, sayang dah tanya pasal pantang"

and he replied..

"hehe.. excited. Nervousnya lagi 16 days"

Moral of the story:

My mom once said that most of guys rarely think of a serious relationship with a girl until he found someone that he think can be consider as his future wife. And mom once said that you should be lucky if you have someone that needs you, want to marry you and in another word, one to become part of you, share your joy, your ups and downs because man usually will avoid to be asked about marriage. And I guess I am lucky because he proposed me, he accept me for who I am, he will do anything to make me happy, he'll make silly jokes when I am crying. He will buy me ferrero rocher 2 packets everyday! He is my strength, my mom is my strength, my siblings, my aunts n uncles are my strength. Thank you Allah. May Allah bless. InshaAllah.



  1. alhamdulillah..sweet sangat. tahniah sebab jumpa teman sehidup semati yang serasi, terima seadanya dan melengkapi.semoga bahagia selalu.

  2. insyaAllah. semoga semuanya baik2 sahaja dani :)

    jemput dtg tau kenduri kami :))

  3. ala2...comelnyer....bertuahnyer..semoga kekal bahagia..xlama dah tu....

  4. amin.. amin ya rabbalalamin..
    thnk u dear.. :)

  5. insya Allah akan datang ke kenduri nanti.
    sebenarnya muka tunang hazirah sebijik macam sepupu saya.

  6. @dani - ye ke.. bak gmbr skit nk tilik :p


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