Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Update selepas fasa stress

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,

30th August 2012, refer to previous post.
I thank Allah for giving me such a strong spirit and courage to actually proceed to the event.. He gave me my supportive siblings, helpful aunts and uncles.. Regarding beberapa isu sebelum ini. Refer to previous post and here are the feedbacks:

Pasal Make Up Artist (MUA) yang  aritu tak dapat pergi reception, settled. Alhamdulillah, MUA saya sangat bertanggungjawab. Dia carikan orang yang make up macam mana dia makeup. Alhamdulillah. Saya malas la nak memilih sangat make up ni. Make up mahal2x. Mula2x dulu memang search for the best MUA. Tapi saya rasa make up ni something yang very subjective la kut. If you're born to be a naturally beautiful, make up macam mana pon tetap akan nmpk cantik. I'm not saying that I am beautiful. Not at all. But disebabkan oleh keadaan saya sekarang, saya rasa, tak perlu lah nak beria abes duit sangat kan.. Just a simple make up pon okay. So I'm done with the make up.

Next is the pelamin nikah yang kononnya RM3000 yang menang aritu kan. Alhamdulillah semalam saya dah pergi deal and finalizekan ape yang saya nak untuk reception and nikah. I am not sure how it will looks like. Hopefully it will turns out good sebab akak tu pon baik orangnya. Saya rasa lega sikit bila dah bawak akak pelamin tengok dewan.. Finalize kan semua ape yang perlu ada untuk both events. Alhamdulillah lega.

Pasal videographer, saya tak contact lagi my OV. I'm not going to call him. I will let my fiancee do. So, hopefully ok la. Ada juga backup plan. Tapi kalau dah takde sangat, mungkin video diconsider cancel. Sob3x. Besar effect OV pada saya. We will just see.

About my mom tu.. actually, saya rasa saya tak patut cerita. Takpelah. Sekadar berkongsi kesedihan dan kestressan saya di hujung2x majlis nikah saya. It gave a huge impact to my mum la. Which is byk benda tergendala. We have to really struggle a lot because its already 24 days left. I am counting days? OMG. Sebenarnya saya dah lama tak counting days since my previous relationship last 2 years. Sekarang ok kut nak counting days dengan husband-to-be kan.. InshaAllah.

I hope that it will turns out to be simple but meaningful to me. Amin.



  1. Yang penting kita tidak putus asa kan dear. Insya Allah benda baik, Allah akan buka kan jalan :)

  2. insha Allah dear.. I hope Allah ease my way :)


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