Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hati tersentuh bila terbaca tumblr itu. ='(

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,

Awal Muharram which also called Maal Hijrah, the first month in Islamic calendar year. It's 1434 H and I feel blessed that I'm still alive. Alhamdulillah.

Boredom! Sebab husband kerja so, I have to find a way to entertain myself. I decided to surf the internet. Stalk here and there until I decided to stalk my sister's tumblr. It's been years I didn't even update my tumblr nor reading others tumblr. I read every single line of it.

Sampai saya terjumpa nukilan adik saya yang buat saya rasa sangat tersentuh,

Let me cut the story short. Mungkin bila anda baca, bagi anda rasa biasa je kot? Because you do not know who Ali was. Ali was and always be a great man.

Arwah Ali, dia telah mewarnai hidup adik saya, Iqqa. Iqqa ni seorang yang sangat susah untuk jatuh cinta. Sepanjang hidup, 22 tahun, up until now, she doesnt belong to anyone. She admitted that she had a crush on one guy from primary school up until this point. And then, one day, Ali came into her life. Saya sedar bila facebook adik saya start ada post dari seorang lelaki which before tak pernah ada seorang lelaki pun pernah post di facebook dia. Yes. I do follow her journey. Cause I love her so much

Tapi cara pendekatan Ali pada adik saya cukup membuatkan saya rasa dia seorang jejaka yang baik. And I'd once asked my sister, who's Ali. He seemed weird. And she said, Ali, is just a friend. A close friend of mine. So saya tak banyak tanya la sebab saya tahu dan kenal adik saya. She won't ever change her feeling toward that guy that she had crushed on.

Until Ali confessed his feeling towards her and she feel that she had to tell Ali that she has no heart feeling terhadap Ali. Ali knows that she likes that guy so one day Ali suggested my sister untuk jadi orang tengah between my sister and that guy. And that thing had made my sister get mad at him. Cut it short, one day, adik Ali called my sister told her that Ali had an accident.

And he had passed away. Without any single word, he left us. Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un...

And that moment, my sister had lost a guy..  a great guy named Ali, who cares about her so much. Now I wonder why facebook adik saya dah tak se aktif dulu. And it makes me feel touched when she used to express her feeling through tumblr which seldomly been read by others.

Rindu sama arwah Abah dan Muhamad Ali. Semoga tenang di sana. Tenanglah wahai hati kecil, Tuhan sentiasa bersamamu. :’)

and the poem that she used to write to her bestfriend, Ali

"It has been a month
I remember all the things you used to say
Things you used to write for me, like every day
I remember all the times we shared
And I knew you were the only person who cared.
Now, it’s my turn to write for you
So many things we never got to do
So many conversations we never got through
I feel lost and empty now
I could feel nothing when you died.
But why? You never reply to me
I know it’s not just me you left
And the pain I feel I just can’t confess
Your family, your loved ones, all hurt too
We know what it’s like to bury you.
Goodbye friend, semoga tenang di sana. :’) "

Semoga arwah Ali tenang di samping Allah swt. Because he is lovely, he cares about my sister so much, dia telah menceriakan hari-hari adik saya, dia menjadi peneman setia bila adik saya sunyi, dia kawan, dia sahabat, and he such a great guy. Dan semoga adik saya akan dikurniakan pasangan yang terbaik dalam hidupnya, jodoh yang terbaik dari Allah. Amin..


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