Monday, December 31, 2012

Jom tengok wish 2012 tercapai atau tak?

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,

Tahun 2013 bakal melabuhkan tirai in less than 12 hours. Time is moving so fast. Rasa macam sekejap je masa berlalu. Terlalu banyak kenangan manis dan pahit sekitar tahun 2012. Yang manis kita ambil, yang pahit kita jadikan pengajaran kan? Bercakap pasal end of the year, mesti ramai orang come out with new wishlist kan? Apa yang paling saya suka bila nak masuk tahun baru, ialah buat perbandingan balik antara wishlist 2012 yang saya dah tulis end of year 2011 dan apa yang dah saya berjaya capai. Okay. Jom kita tengok. Berjaya atau tak wish saya tahun ni. Ini adalah wishlist yang dah saya tulis tahun lepas:-

  1. Family:
    • My wish for this year, I have a complete family throughout the year. Like seriously, I hope that all my family are and always will be in a really good heatlh. (Alhamdulillah, we are in good condition. I still have my family. Now my family is growing bigger and bigger)
    • Financial problem can be fixed. (Alhamdulillah, rezeki ibu makin bertambah. Adik2x saya sudah senang sedikit. Egie pn dah dapat loan, dah dapat kurangkan beban ibu. Alhamdulillah)
    • My relationship with abah's family will turn as good as our good old days. Really meant it. (It's a big improvement. Allah loves me, Allah loves us. We are growing stronger and stronger day by day. The bond is tighter right now. I really felt blessed. Thank you Ya Rabb)
  2. Love:
    • Since I've engaged last year, I wish that this year will be the year for us to build a new life with a blessed bond by Allah. Amin. (We already a husband and wife! And we are learning to be a better muslim and muslimah to Him. InshaAllah)
    • Our love keeps on blooming before and ever after. (see next wishlist)
    • Get pregnant maybe if I married this year lah. Amin. (wishlist untuk our love keeps on blooming boleh masuk dalam ni sekali kut? Alhamdulillah, the biggest gift from Allah at the very end of the year. I got pregnant. Alhamdulillah. but its still in the early stage, so there are so many things to be taken as consideration :) )
  3. Myself
    • Turns my gred from E11 to E12 and got a secure salary compare to current salary (Alhamdulillah, I am now in the E12 position. and the salary was unexpected!)
    • Plan and do a great and memorable event for my big day (it's a memorable event for me and my husband and my family tho)
    • Stable financial status. (Alhamdulillah, the financial status di tahap yang memberangsangkan. Syukran Ya Rabb)
    • Change to a new car (Already got my new car. Suzuki Swift.)
    • Plan to change division in TNB itself. If dapat lah kan (This is the undone wishlist. Pernah cuba tapi tak dapat tukar division coz kena cukupkan 3 tahun dulu. T__T)
    • Change to a better person. (Better person to arwah abah. inshaAllah)
    • Be a good daughter to ibu, be a good kakak to my beloved sisters and brothers, a good and loyal fiancee/husband to be. Amin. (I can't judge myself. I hope that I am being a good daughter to my mom, good sister to my sisters and brother. a good wife to my husband. Amin)
    • achieve ideal weight for me which is 45-46kg. (tak berjaya! hahaha)

Alhamdulillah, if we can see, my wishlist is almost 90% berjaya. I can achieve my target for year 2012. Alhamdulillah, semuanya dengan pertolongan Allah s.w.t. Tanpa Dia, saya tak mampu mencapat not even 1 wishlist above. Alhamdulillah..

In the next post saya akan post pasal my new 2013 wishlist pulak. :)



  1. byk gak tu yg dah tercapai.. moga yg x tercapai tu boleh target thn depan pulak.. B-)

  2. @ct - alaaa... x dpt nk capai thun dpn la dear both wishlist. Berat nnti dh mkin bertmbh sbb dh berDUA. Hehehe. Nk mntk tkr kne tnggu 2014 :'( sob3x


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