Thursday, January 17, 2013

Reason why I hate my current job.

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,

Reason kenapa saya tidak suka akan department saya sekarang. Okay. Nampak macam tak bersyukur. Bukan tak bersyukur, syukur sangat. Tapi disebabkan department buat rules sendiri rasa macam makin lama makin kurang minat bekerja disini. Ini dah masuk kali kedua saya akan menghantar surat pertukaran department. Yang tahun lepas punya tak lulus pulak. Hantar dekat HOU, tau2x tak sampai dekat HR. Adoyai. Saya bekerja di company A. Saya mempunyai kelulusan Bachelor of Electrical Power Engineering (Hons). Tak kisah la semua tu. Tapi saya tak ditempatkan di tempat yang sepatutnya. Tak kisah juga pada MULANYA. Sekarang ni kisah disebabkan beberapa reason. Reason kenapa saya tak suka department saya sekarang:

Reason No. 1

Tiada pendedahan teknikal. Sayang je belajar. Orang cakap, "alah, kalau kau ambil engineering pun, tak semestinya kau apply pun ape kau belajar". Yes. Saya faham situasi berkenaan. Sebab tu saya kata at the very beginning I don't mind. I DON'T MIND. Tapi disebabkan saya telah masuk ke alam documentation, ke alam perolehan. Saya rasa langsung tak praktikal untuk P = VI. V = IR. of course la kau kerja kau tak apply pun ape itu fault current. Macam mana nak kira fault current. At least, the V = IR that is the simplest equation in engineering been apply. At least you know that "oh, that is the busbar." "oh, macam tu function dia". Bila orang tanya, kau takde la tercengang beb! Hokay. Emo seketika. Pernah ada orang tanya saya, yang lalu dekat Tx line tu current ke voltage. I am foolishly saying that its a voltage. Betapa #$%^&*( nye saya tak ingat. Dah 3 tahun tinggal. Sayang kan? Fikir balik, current la sengal!

Reason No. 2

Masuk kerja kan pukul 8. Time kerja dari 8 hingga 5.15 petang which is really great la kan. Office di tengah2x kota metropolitan KL which is Bangsar. Nak gi ke arah Petaling Jaya. Where are the route that hasn't jam at all? Okay la. If you are willing to sacrifice your money for tolls, its good. I dont mind if I have to spend lots in toll just to avoid jam. But, sama jugak! I dont mind jam. I dont mind toll. I dont mind to pay RM8 everyday for parking fees which I just can only claim RM150 max permonth. Which if I calculate RM8 perday. Normal working days in a month is about 24 days. Kita ambil la busuk2x pun 20 days. Multiply by RM8 dah jadi RM160 but we only can claim up to RM150 max. Tak kisah pun lagi. Tapi, the rules that my bos created here is when you are coming late more than twice a month, even 1 minute late, your name will be raise up in the HOU meeting. Strict kan? Nanti bos sound. huh? Bagus la, boleh train orang datang awal but then, you have to be considerate la if something happen. Bila datang lambat je ramai je mintak time off. Which biasanya this company A is very lenient about time. Thank God sebab dah jumpa jalan yang less jam!

Reason No. 3

Makan. Waktu makan dari pukul 9.30 hingga 10 pagi. Waitttt. Bukan 30 minit yer. Anda hanya diberikan masa 15 minit untuk makan. Sebab all of ur data in and out will be monitored. So solutionnya is tapau lah. Kalau nak breakfast pagi, datang awal la before 8. Kalau ikut department lain, makan pagi diorang tak kisah, petang pun siap boleh minum petang. The time is really flexible provided that you know how to differentiate between work and lepak la. Kalau ikut dulu, makan dalam office pun tak boleh. Adoi! Nonsense rule macam budak sekolah.

Reason No. 4

Kerja outstation yang jauh2x. Paling lama lebih sebulan. Paling sekejap untuk planned 3 minggu. You have to stay there for about 3 weeks or more. Mungkin bagi lelaki tak kisah kut. Tapi bagi perempuan macam saya, kisah juga la kan since my husband pun jenis suka makan di rumah. Kami pun hidup berdua, bukan hidup dengan mak or mertua. Kami pulak bakal menimang cahaya mata tak lama lagi. Pening juga nak memikirkan camane nak buat. Rumah mak n mertua pulak bukannya dekat. Semua lain negeri plus perancangan saya pula kalau boleh nak avoid anak banyak masa dengan nenek dari ibu dia sendiri. Sebab dah ada pengalaman tengok kawan macam mana kan. So terpikir jugak. Adoi!

Reason No. 5

If you sakit, you MC kan? Okay la. Bila kerja ni dia ade 3 common leaves excluded maternity leave which are MC, Emergency Leave (EL) and Annual Leave. Kalau ikut scheme betul, annual leave kena apply 3 days before you are about to take the leave. Baru dikira annual leave. If less than that, dikira emergency leave. Okay lagi la. Emergency leave ni pulak, it will deduct from your leave bank pun. If you ada 29 days leave a year, so it will be deducted from that amount. If you half day, it has been considered as EL. Okay. Saya rasa cukup faham dah kut kan? Tapi my department yang weird said that if you have MC or EL a month, you name will be highlighted red in the notice board. Hell ya! Macam tu saya ni dah dikira pekerja bermasalah la kut? MC doctor yang kasi, kalau ikut klinik kat rumah saya ni, takde klinik yang boleh beli MC okay! Doctor akan check baru dia bagi MC. Eventho if you said that you are in a period pain! Department lain okay je kalau EL? My friend once said (other department), EL can't be an issue. If banyak MC ye. Kena check. Kena highlight. Weirdo.

Reason No. 6

Tak boleh mintak tukar unless tak cukup 3 tahun. Ohmy. Admin sendiri cakap takde hitam putih pun pasal benda alah tu. They wont consider you if you nak minta tukar untuk pergi belajar something new. They wanna keep you there.

Reason No. 7

Terlalu seniority. Working environment here sangat pentingkan seniority. If you perform really well, you have to ikut turn. I have seen in Melaka, I have gone to Seremban, they were very close to each other. The live, they work as a family. Not as a senior or junior. Seronok tengok working environment macam tu. How I wished....

Reason No. 8

This is might not be a strong point la for me to dislike my current job. This is just my opinion. This is just for the sake of my satisfaction. I don't really into the job of documentation. I love site works job. I have tried in my previous job. I want to have a CP cert. (Competent Person) and InshaAllah having a AP (Authorize Person) cert one day. My aim is to get the IR but if I work here for several years more, who wants to pandang me lagi? I need to open back my degree books and read and learn again apa yang saya dah tinggal almost 3 years. So sad.

p/s: I am more to a satisfaction when it comes to work. I am not that kind of looking into making lots of money. True la bila dah selalu outstation, akan banyak pocket money. Ye ke? Abaikan!



  1. bila baca semua sebab musabab tu, saya sendiri pun tak suka kerja tu. terutama kes 'seniority'. alhamdulillah tempat saya takda masalah macam tu.hehe

  2. There is definately a great deal to learn about this subject.
    I really like all of the points you've made.
    Also see my page: The Tao of Badass

  3. @dani - hmmm.. tu la. No comment. Stress je keje.
    @anonymous - thnk u :)

  4. bila kita kerja dekat environment macam nie memang tak akan ada job progress..banyak sangat tekanan..kadg2 kita lupa hidup kita bukan untuk kerja nie jee kan dear. btw, i wish u all the best :)

  5. I dont feel like kerja. I feel like in school :)

  6. Jd mcm i.. Dok rmh jg anak ever ada master.. Besarkn anak2 dan u will feel the defference.. And do a business.. Actually with ur blog u can make a business.. No body will control u.. Jd boss at house.. Mcm i even dok rmh my income will touch more thank 5k for a month..

  7. Dear.. mcm mne u start up a business ya. Share sikit boleh

  8. tnb KL mmg cenggituuu kannnn...masing2 wt hal sndiri..ce try pi tnb pendalaman..mesti environment keje mcm family gittuuu, tapiii dlm masa yg sama aktiviti kutuk mengutuk memang kaw2 punyaaaa hahahaah


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