Thursday, April 4, 2013

Differences between men's brain and women's brain

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,

What's the differences between men and women. Bila dah kahwin ni, korang tau la ape beza dia. Korang cakap korang dah ckup faham sidia bila dah couple 10 years? Bohong je semua tu. The moment you entered married life, you will get to know mens better. I have posted on my FB wall saying that

" Perempuan suka fikir apa yang akan berlaku bulan depan, dua bulan depan, tiga bulan depan, setahun akan datang. Lelaki selalu fikir apa akan berlaku esok. Paling lama pun lusa. Itu perbezaan antara lelaki dan perempuan. Sekian."

That's what I am thinking of. But a friend of mine has posted this video and I love to share it with you, very interesting video explaining the differences between men's brain and women's brain.

I agree with the fact that women's brain is full of wires while men's brain is full of boxes. Sebab tu lelaki ni dia tak suka kita cakap macam2x, nasihat macam2x. Tak suka fikir lebih, tak suka dikongkong la kononnye. The fact is that diorang malas nak serabut otak. At last yang serabut is pasangan dia. Hahaha. Tengok video ni gelak sorang. Enjoy watching it!


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