Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy 52nd Birthday abah!

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,

My late father was born on 8th June 1961. He was 52nd years now. 8th June 2013 falls on Saturday. Husband kerja. Saya pula takde mood nak ikut dia pergi kerja. So I ended up duduk rumah sorang-sorang. Husband dah tau dah kalau saya duk rumah sorang-sorang meaning..................... I will clean up all the stuff by myself which he dont like it the most. Sebab saya pregnant kut.

I've mopped the floor. Basuh baju, lipat baju, basuh semua alas kaki, masak, all the stuff. Ingatkan husband tak perasan bila balik kerja. Until one point he asked me. "Sayang mop lantai ek tadi"... errrrr... "macam mana abang tau"... lol. takkan nak menipu plak kan? Nanti anak dalam perut belajar menipu japgi. "Abang pasang cctv kat umah. LOL".

My saturday was just like a normal saturday. Takde ape perkara yang best pun. Nanti I'll share with you my new passport and my journey to make the passport itself. Hope it helps any blogger out there too. Saturday night has been ended up talking with dad.. silently.. sebab husband takde. I've given him suratul yasin as a present. I hope that all of my good deeds, all of my prayers sampai pada arwah abah

Happy Birthday abah. I love you, and always will..


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Thank you for reading. My pleasure to read the comments from you! ;)