Friday, June 13, 2014

Fakhira 10 bulan dah!

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,

Happy 10th monthsary to my beloved daughter. You have grown up so fast! Ibu rasa macam baru saja masuk labour room, push and push and push and now, you already 10th! Aiyooo. Hahahaha. 

What I can describe you best is that you are a hyperactive little angel ibu had ever known. Sungguh! Tak tipu! Not only me saying this, but most of them whoever met her pasti akan cakap benda yang sama. Tak tahu la kenapa, ayah cakap mungkin sebab masa awak dalam perut ibu, ibu ni sorg yang hyperactive takleh duk diam, rajin tolong ayah bla2x.. Ibu guess sebab effect ibu makan neurogain tu yang buat awak hyper sangat. Afterall, I am very lucky and grateful for being your mom. I think that you are too cute too handle. Hahaha.. Like I said, every mom think that their son/daughter is the cutest-adorable-cunnest-beautiful-charming-goodloooooooking among all!

Let me share with you her progress so far:

1. Pandai clap hands. Bila orang nyanyi tepuk amai-amai, belalang kupu-kupu, she will automatically clap her hands. Orang lain tepuk tangan using her palm, tapi dia, tepuk dalam keadaan genggam tangan. Hahaha.

2. Pandai salam orang. Tapi kena cakap "amin..amin".. Dan pandai flying kiss. Hahaha. Notty!

3. Can stand up with her own feet without support for about 5-10 seconds. And I think that awak dah dapat jalan sendiri dah by this Syawal. Mati la ibu. Hahahaha

4. Pandai manjat tangga. Like I said, Everyday ada je kejutan dari awak. Harini awak pandai naik tangga, esok dah belajar nak turun tangga pulak. Banyak akal betul awak ni.

5. Gila main pool kat umah yang ayah beli kt tesco tu je. Pantang!

6. Sekarang dah pandai beza kalau duk atas tempat tinggi, bila dah sampai hujung, tak terus tergolek jatuh kt bawah, die akan rasa dulu, kalau tak boleh pergi dah dia akan stagnant je kat tmpt tu, tapi ibu la takut kut2 awak jatuh katil. Aiyakkk

7. Bila gelak kekek2x sampai kecut perut. Bila kene geletek sekali dah pandai kepik tangan/ketiak taknak bagi orang geletek dia lagi.

Macam2x lagi lah. Tak tersenarai. But you had put so much effort on it, and I am really proud of you my dear daughter. Keep calm, dont push yourself too hard because ibu don't care. Ibu wont compare you with others dear. Because I am so proud to have you as my daughter. Cuma kadang-kadang je ada rasa bebal sikit dengan awak. Hahahahahahahaha. Ibu sayang awak sangat-sangat. If you read this someday, I bet you will cry. c(=


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