Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fakhira turns 1

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,

August 13th, 2013 she was born and I named her Iman Hana Fakhira. Alhamdulillah, 13 August 2014, genap Fakhira berusia satu tahun. She has grown up so fast. She's able to do lots of thing and some of the things is beyond expectation! Alhamdulillah. Masuk je setahun terus tumbuh gigi tiga batang. And Alhamdulillah, takde demam, takde ape cuma she's a bit clingy jela masa time raya haritu. I never thought that she's being clingy to me sebab rasa tak sedap badan nak tumbuh gigi. After dah tumbuh gigi tu everything was fine like before.

Being a mother for a year is not easy. Plus being a working mother some more. Makes me sometimes rasa nak bertukar jadi hulk je. Tapi bila pandang anak bila dia tidur, luluh hati, sejuk hati. Taktau nak cerita macam mana. Perasaan melihat anak tidur hanya dapat dirasai oleh para-para ibu sahaja. Nikmatnya menjadi seorang ibu. Alhamdulillah.

Actually, we (me and my husband) are planning to celebrate her 1st birthday with you all. Sebenarnya plan to make it as simple as possible. Barang2x pn memang dah lama beli skit2x. A small celebration consist of family and friends ke? Saya ingin menjemput, kalau2x ada yang free, jemput datang ke rumah kami. Detail seperti berikut:

Semoga segala urusan kami dipermudah olehNya. Ameen.



  1. selamat hari lahir fakhira, semoga jd anak yg solehah..kalau dekat auntie dah pegi ni.. tq jemput.. :)


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