Friday, October 6, 2017

[Travelogue] : Tokyo Part 3 - Navigator & Useful Apps

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,


Today I would like to share with you all the best navigator untuk buat itinerary. And of course best navigator untuk travel too. But here I will share with you yang Japan punya jela ye. Jangan nanti korang nk gi Aussie ke nak gi NZ ke tanya lak navigator ape yang sesuai. Hehehehe. Okay. Before I proceed to my itinerary, mula-mula memang buat research dulu the best navigator yang boleh bagi accurate journey dan yang paling penting sekali boleh bagi route plus cost of the route. So website yang sangat membantu saya sepanjang doing my itinerary adalah GOOGLE MAPS dan HYPERDIA. You can click on the link.

Apa beza google maps dan hyperdia. Actually kalau nak lagi senang tengok saya banyak refer pada HYPERDIA sebab Google Maps sometimes its quite confusing and tak banyak choice of route. Macam hyperdia dia bagi dalam 4 routes that you can choose based on the type of subway that you want to use and also the cost of the route either you nak amik mahal or murah. Usually yang mahal ni less walking la..

Preparation sebelum pergi Japan I have downloaded some apps yang sangat membantu dan sepanjang hari saya guna di Japan. Here are the lists:

1. Nama Apps : World Currency Converter 

World Currency Converter ni I will use especially bila nak beli barang ke nak beli dekat mart ke even nak beli air vending machine so that you know the actual price of each item. Takde la korang main hentam je pakai duit korang. And because of this I manage to bawak balik balance around RM1k lagi. Save oi!

2. Nama Apps : Translate

You search je google translate and the symbol is like above. Saya guna ni bila apa2x signboard or any tag yang fully dalam bahasa Jepun. Dia ada options either you scan gambar then it will translate it into English or you can also speak. Tapi mostly saya akan guna utk scan gambar la. Contoh masa gi Hakone ada sign board kata ropeway takleh guna tapi kitorg satu habuk pun tak faham sebab signboard tu semua dalam bahasa Jepun so I just scan the sign board here then it will change the signboard into English baru la tahu ropeway suspended sebab volcanic gas issue 😐

3. Nama Apps : Japan Rail

The most useful and powerful apps so far!!!! Sangat-sangat-sangat berguna. Eventhough saya dah buat my own itinerary, tapi this apps is a real time apps. Dia akan bagi you the best route in real time, siap no platform so that you tak perlu cari dan terpinga lagi platform mana korang nak duduk. and dia ada bg 4 choices of routes and you can choose the best route to use. Apps ni menggantikan list itinerary saya juga sebenarnya. You must download this!!!! 

4. Nama Apps : Google Maps

This one is very useful bila korang dah turun train and then korang nak cari mana tempat korang nak pergi. Boleh tanya local people tapi samada korang faham tak faham jela sbb diorg akan terangkan kat korang totally dalam bahasa diorang and diorang helpful je cuma untuk memudahkan lagi perjalanan korang, just google tempat korang nak pergi tu then terus click on the direction. This apps will guide you directly to where you wish to go. Senang je kan?

5 Nama Apps : Halal Navi

Okay. Apps ni pun berguna untuk korang cari tempat makanan halal dan juga masjid terdekat area korang nak pergi. Tapi we all sempat makan kt luar 2 hari je.. yang lain semua masak and bawak bento box.

So far these apps really help me a lot. Dan kami merasakan sebenarnya takde la susah pun travel without agent and you can save a lot of pennies. So hope this post will help you my friends! 🌝🌝


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