Friday, October 6, 2017

[Travelogue] : Tokyo Part 4 - Japan Itinerary & Budget

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,


The 4th Part that I would like to share is on the itinerary. I have received lots of DM's about my itinerary. And for your information, our journey only within Tokyo, kitorg tak travel to outside tokyo such as Osaka and so on. So this itinerary maybe can helps the one who wish to travel within Tokyo jugak. For us we want to explore the best place people keep talking about Japan. Sebab tu kami hanya pilih beberapa tempat menarik dan tempat famous di Jepun je at least kami dah tau how busy the Shibuya Crossing is. Banyak tempat menarik within Jepun that you need to treasure. Nanti the detail of it I will explain based on the picture attached in the next post.

For those who asked me about my itinerary, the document I have uploaded at my Google Drive and you can download the itinerary on the link below:

Itinerary & Budget Japan Trip FH 2017

Have a good day peeps!



Thank you for reading. My pleasure to read the comments from you! ;)