Monday, March 28, 2011

Alhamdulillah :)

28th March 2011,

I woke up early in the morning. Oh. I've taken half day today. There are tons of work to be settled. First, I went to TNB HQ Bangsar in a really high hope of getting the offer letter. Kak Ruby's waiting for me to arrive. We walk through 8th floor with a hope that there's no highlighted issues anymore.

I met Miss Muza. Unfortunately, as we have expected, our offer letter being hold by HR. Sedih kan? Only Allah knows how it feels when you already give the best, do the best and hoping for the best time in your life, and it's already there for you, but somehow, you can't get it. They want us to discuss back with our HR, if there are any possibilities that our HR might release us, until then, they will give the offer letter. Sob3x

Around half and hour later, I've received a call from Miss Muza saying that our HR has released and accepted our resignation letter and we now can collect our offer letter. Alhamdulillah. Actually there are plenty issues that have been arise ever since we've submitted our resignation letter.

Alhamdulillah, Thank you Ya Allah.




Allah maha segalanya..

Gieya Empire

yes. Allah maha segalanya. Alhamdulillah..


Kan dah cakap dah.. Hehe.. May Allah bless u always gie..

Gieya Empire

amin :)

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