Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dear future me,

سَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه,

Dear future me,

How is it going so far? I hope that you are doing good. Actually.. I mean.. GREAT! Good is not enough. I just want to let you know that currently I'm not enjoying my life to the fullest. I hope that you will be having a blast life. But I'm okay. I mean.. real okay. Just for a certain times, I cry a lot these days. You have to remember one thing, I dont want you to be in tears anymore. Crying won't solve your problems.You know what, you are very lucky cause you have a complete family now, and i'm just hoping that you will have a perfect family too.

My future me,

Please try to be more confident with your life. I always make a bad decision, so I hope that you will not only think twice, but maybe 20th times to make a decision, okay? Know what, you have to be very proud of yourself. Allah gives you everything you want. You wanted 5A's for UPSR, Allah gave you that. You wanted straight A's for your PMR, Allah gave you 8A's, you wanted a good result for SPM (Eventhough you are really playful that time), Allah gave you 8A's. You wanted to at least earn 4 flat for at least once, Allah fulfilled your wish. You wanted to get a dean lists every semester, Allah gave you. You wanted to beat Rina's pointer (sorry Rina, this is my wish too. hehehehe). Allah gave you that.. You have to be really grateful. Because why, currently I failed to be a grateful slave to Allah. Don't ever follow me okay. I'm trying to be good to people, good to Allah. InsyaAllah.

Future me,

How's my life? Is it good? Am I married? Do I have children or maybe childrens? If you're married, do your husband take care of you as much as your dad took care of you back then? Is he good to you and your sons/daughter?I hope you are doing fine. Cause I'm currently in a way of pursuing Allah the blissful way of my life. Currently, you are someone's fiancee. I hope that the one I have chosen is the one who take care of you right now and I really hope that he will be the best man for you.

Hows Hariez, Hazieq, Iqa and Iezi? Are they happy with their life? Hazieq and Hariez still didnt understand what happen right now. As what I know, Iqa and Iezi are having slight problem right now. And I'm really sad cause I can't help much. I hope that they are doing really fine with you. No more pain, no sorrow. I love them so much, I can't express directly, but I hope that they know, I really love them. Please, take care of them more than you do now, because currently you have much limitations as you are living in KL (metropolitan). The demand is higher. I bet your wages must be really high right now isnt it? Just take care of yourself. I love myself. So, you don't have to be worried cause your life 10 years back is wonderful though. The past experience either good or bad always been a really great teacher to our life. Remember that.

If you follow all of the advice i’m giving you now, things will always end up okay. Trust me, trust Allah more. InsyaAllah.

 p/s: I hope I'm still hot 10 years after I'm writing this.  Uweks.

Your present,



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