Friday, March 18, 2011


Today is 18th March 2011.

Already 18th? They said the result will come out on 15th March. Been wondering why the HR there is working a bit slow. I know that many of PEP candidates hoping to hear a good news from them (refer to HR). Lowyat forum also congested with lots of rumor and speculations. People keep on refreshing email, refreshing the lowyat forum to keep updated for the news.

Sometimes I just wonder, what's going to happen if they don't get a good news. I don't put a high hope on this actually. Before I could get through SPECIAL (which previously been called as COGA), I've got a chance to feel how it feels on getting through 3rd stage (SPECIAL) through my dreams. Syok gila! Alhamdulillah, it feels great when your dream come true. Trust me!

and last few weeks, I had a dream, a really good dream though. I have been selected for TNB PEP37 executive! What a good dream isn't it? But I'm not really sure if it is a good sign or a bad sign since my left eyes blinking actively for these few days. Sigh. >.<

My blackberry keep on vibrating this past few days. Sigh. My heartbeat keep on beating faster and faster. I don't even know when was the last time I'd this feeling. Nervous dowh! Until one time, I got a facebook notification at my Blackberry. and at that time I can see that there's one message coming in. I opened it and scratching my head seeking for the best word that could makes my lips growing wider. hihihi. "Sukacita". That the word!

Abah, finally I got it. After a hard time going through 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages. I know that you're happy from the above. Thank you abah! Muah ♥




tahniah. :)

Gieya Empire

thnk you. muah!


Congrates Gie..finally dreams come true & so sweet 2 fulfill ur late beloved dad wish 2 reality..all da best ya..hope u r doing well there


Gieya Empire

Thnk you dear nash. Eh, u dpt jgk kan?

captain ridhwan

hi miss..i just nk tau..mase batch u..smua candidate pd 3rd stage tu brjaya x dpt di tnb?ke ada yg 'dukacita'?huhu

I just get rumors spe yg brjaya 3rd stage dh brjaya dpt..huhu..FYI, sy ridhwan..bru nk peg 3rd stage interview tnb pd 1hb 12 ni..huhu..wish me luck..sje nk dpt info dr miss..

Gieya Empire

3rd stage x semua dpt.. Dlm 1 group.. Ada dia amik half.. Ade group amik 2 3 org je. Depends.n tp 3rd stage x smstinya semua dpt. Masa time kitorf pon ada dgr rumours mcm tu jgk.

captain ridhwan

oo..tq for the hint..erm boleh share ape yg aktiviti yg kna bwt utk 3rd stage tu??

captain ridhwan

lg satu puan..dlm email yg sy dpt ni..die pesan suh bwt artikel pasal tnb..ape tujuan die ye?ad x dlu puan kna mcm ni?

Gieya Empire

Actually 3rd stage klu ikt time saya dulu... Kena stay ilsas 3 ari x slp. Weekend.. Ari jmaat hingga ahad. Nnti die bg group. 1 group die pecah dalam 10org. So within 3 days tu u will be having lots of activities. Game dalam kump. Presentation.. Mcm2.. Ada riadah petang.. Ada talk n so on.. Mmg best n u will get to know many ppl and having byk kwn. Syok tau. Lps tu.. Tggu dlm beberapa mggu nnti die akn bgtau result. Mcm sy dlu dlm 5 org kut group sy yg lepas.. 2 or 3 org reserve.. Yg lain x dpt... Tp pattern skng taktau. Rsnye sama jugak rsnya :))

captain ridhwan

oo gtu..ok miss..tqvm for the info..:) doa kan sy berjaya pd stage ke 3 ni..

Gieya Empire

Gudluck ridhwan. Be yourself. InshaAllah berjaya

captain ridhwan

salam dpt calon simpanan utk tnb..huhu..nk tnya pep sblom ni smua calon simpanan akn diserapkan ke nnt?

Gieya Empire

@captain ridhwan - ye awak. inshaAllah tnb akn serap masuk kerja untuk calon simpanan :)

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